Thursday 13 October 2011

Tuesday 11 October 2011


This was a gift for a friends birthday.

Monday 10 October 2011


Accent UK gets advert in Kick Ass 2 no. 4

Well, it's been quite the week for us at AccentUK.

Due to a favour done by Andy Bloor for Mark Millar, Mark has given us a page advert in Issue 4 of Kick Ass Vol 2.It's great exposure for us and we're really grateful to both Andy and Mark. We're lucky that Andy is such a talented designer type person ... as well as damn fine artist.In other news, Owen Johnson (writer up My Maker & I, which is a fabulous full colour one shot that is in production, with artwork by none other than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'Dan Duncan and colours by Matt Soffe) has been interviewed in Issue 1681 of Comic Buyer's Guide. It's always a challenge to fit everything into these interviews and mention everything but Owen does a great job. You can see more over on Owen's blog.

PREDATORS has hit the shelves of UK Comic shops, I've seen it with my own eyes, so if it's not in yours and you want to pick up a copy then have a go at the store manager. Sales were a little down on the books that have come before it, due I think to it clashing with DC's relaunch of all of its titles, so chances are you might not find it very easily. We will have copies for sale at the Leed's Thought Bubble event but it would help us out a lot if you'd get your comic retailer to get some copies through Diamond Distribution.

Sunday 7 August 2011

From the Accent UK blog this month

PREDATORS have made it ...

Great news ... PREDATORS has finally made it into PREVIEWS.
Following a few months of problems at Diamond, with new staff etc, our latest anthology,PREDATORS is in issue 275 of PREVIEWS (August cover date) on page 224.

A great cover image from Kev Mullins with overall design by Andy Bloor accompanies the blurb by Colin, and it all looks very nice indeed.

We'll be going to print over the next week, and will be launching the book at the Birmingham Comics event at the end of August.

Sunday 17 July 2011


This sketch was done a couple of days ago, a warm up sketch all done using Manga Studio Debut 4, enjoy.

Not even a couch potato

For the last couple of years I've been working on a web comic titled 'Arc'. Sadly though the six issues that I'm illustrating are not finished, hell I've not even finished the 2nd issue yet. I could throw at you excuse after excuse, and to be fair this year had started with a major fuck up in my life, but I wont get into it here. But realistically It's out of pure laziness that I haven't finished, I keep putting it off "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I have to do this first". Not only do I do this with my art work, I seem to do this with everything, and it pisses me off. I need to focus, put my life back on track and get Arc finished, not just for me but for the people that might actually read it all 3 of them (ha ha ha, I so hope it's more).

So I'll leave this here and get on with it, hopefully I'll have better news on my progress.

Sunday 3 July 2011

From the Accent UK blog

July's PREVIEWS...

"Well, sad to say that Diamond again failed to list PREDATORS in the latest issue ofPREVIEWS. It's nothing personal, they've just gone through some changes in personel in the USA and it appears that the transition has resulted in UK books being overlooked, again. It's not just AccentUK books that have suffered apparently.
Diamond UK have been very apologetic, and have promised the do everything that they can to get the book listed in the next PREVIEWS, so look out for it in August's edition.
Because of the delay, we've decided to print ahead of Diamond numbers, so that we can make sure the book can be launched at this years Thought Bubble event in Leeds, andAndy is just making a few very minor adjustments (perfectionist that he is) before sending the files off to the printers this week (or early next)."

Written by Dave West from Accent UK

So a slight delay, but fingers crossed people

Thursday 23 June 2011

Rebooting and spliting

So come September DC comics are starting 52 issues from number one. Will this encourage new reader ship or loose current fans of the DC series??? Only time will tell on that one I guess.
As a comic reader I'm kinda feed up of the stop/start relationship with characters. So when I heard what DC are doing, i was like 'ok how long will this last'. Like all things in the comics industry, big dogs like Marvel, DC and image have to buckle under the pressure of the fans. Why?? As a fan I want character progression, not two steps forward five steps back (looking at you spider-man).
Any way like most fans I too am caught up in the excitement of things to come, a bold move by DC, a move in which we should all embrace if we as fans want better stories and characters.
Most of the characters are getting alterations to their current costumes. Superman, Green Lantern and Superboy are the ones I'm looking forward to seeing, so far Wonder Woman and Superman's costumes are the only ones that look different (and Hawkman sorry). Understandably Batman's costume has already undergone a change so what I've seen on the web there isn't much of a change, which is good because I like it already. Superman has lost his red pants (thank god) he's being pulled away from the retro hero look.
This new era will happen after DC's 'Flashpoint' series which has just started and looks pretty interesting, so go check it out NOW!!

I've seen some bits floating around about Marvel starting Uncanny X-men from number one with another new title Wolverine and the X-men. Currently all I know is that there has been a rift between Scott and Logan hinting at a fight between the two Alpha males of the X-men, which splits the X-men in two, could be good. Advertisement of this has "who will you follow"
more when I find out.

Issue 19 of Haunt will get a new creative team Joe Casey and Nathan Fox. As A huge fan of the series I can't wait to see what these guys bring to the table. This is happening because Robert Kirkman co creator of Haunt has other commitments going on such as the Walking Dead TV show, and Greg Capullo will be busy doing Batman for DC.

Tuesday 24 May 2011


A little while a go, I had illustrated pages for the Predators anthology published by Accent UK. Now it's going to be available from July's issue of previews, and hopefully from comic shops too.
So look out for it and if you don't see it ask in your local comic shop.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

WOW!!! Watch this

This is some amazing work, and very inspiring, so enjoy.

Saturday 8 January 2011

Tips 'n' Tricks.

A Vid buy Todd McFarlane, helpful tips.

Wednesday 5 January 2011


Happy new year to you all, I hope this is your year.

During the holidays and a couple of weeks before I had been very lazy, no art work was done during this time, and why not.
Before my stint of laziness, I was sketching from 'The book of a hundred hands' by George B. Bridgeman, I'm continuing my study now. If you don't own this book or you know someone that has it borrow it, it's an amazing book to have for any artist, I would go as far as to say vital. Go ahead and copy every sketch in it, I am and I have to say I'm half way and my hands look so much better, and my understanding of the hand has increased as well.

On Arc news, I have 4 final penciled pages, I just need to ink these for Nick to letter. As soon as he does they will go up after his run of 'Tyler Marsh', it's and interesting side story in the Arc universe.
I'll be working on a script for Accent UK's anthology 'Zombies2', the title of the story "look ma new hands". As I've not done zombies yet I'm really looking forward to it.

That's all folks, so till next time.