Sunday 17 July 2011

Not even a couch potato

For the last couple of years I've been working on a web comic titled 'Arc'. Sadly though the six issues that I'm illustrating are not finished, hell I've not even finished the 2nd issue yet. I could throw at you excuse after excuse, and to be fair this year had started with a major fuck up in my life, but I wont get into it here. But realistically It's out of pure laziness that I haven't finished, I keep putting it off "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I have to do this first". Not only do I do this with my art work, I seem to do this with everything, and it pisses me off. I need to focus, put my life back on track and get Arc finished, not just for me but for the people that might actually read it all 3 of them (ha ha ha, I so hope it's more).

So I'll leave this here and get on with it, hopefully I'll have better news on my progress.

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