Friday 24 February 2012

Following a Theme

Another Sketch, fancied another female vampire.

Whole thing done in photoshop

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Tonight's Sketch

I Finished my page for tonight, so I thought I'd do this.

Sunday 19 February 2012

New ultimate spider-man

The last few months I've been reading the New Ultimate Spidey, I have to say, AMAZING!!!! When I first heard about it I couldn't wait to read it. I'm not going to give an in-depth review on it, mostly just my own thoughts on it. Firstly he's mixed race, that alone as was a huge attraction, being from a mixed family myself. I guess alot of people weren't happy about killing off Parker, but in the 616 universe Parker is alive and well and he's the first and original. In my understanding what was the point of have two Univeres and two Parkers?? Why not in a new universe have a diffrent guy be Spider-man, nothing in the comic rule book to say this wasn't possible. Back to the book. The story it's self is solid, involving and pretty gripping. The art is well put together and enjoyable to just look at. Miles as a character had me off the bat, I knew from the first issue this was a book for me. As far as surporrtimg characters go we have his best friend who seems very in tense about Miles being Spider-man. As far as villains go, will Miles have his own rouges gallery? Or will he just go up against the same old Villians? Before Parker died I stopped reading ultimate Spidey, I found it stale and uninteresting. With the new one there's so much potential I'm always looking forward to the next issue. Well that's enough rambling from me, if any of you people out haven't been reading this book, you should be. What a great excuse for another Spidey movie ;) Take care

Sunday 5 February 2012

Light & Shadow part 1

This is very very basic, we first take a look at the eye socket and cheek area. This is going to just look at the human face in planes, such as flat and raised surfaces.
If you look at image 4, as you can see I've made my 'socket' using flat lines rather than how it should look with curves. This is how I go through sorting out the shadows in my images. With out the eye ball imagine the inside of the socket are two separate areas. So depending on how little 'light' there will be will depend on how much of the eye area you cover. The lined area is where the light would be hitting the area.
I know my explanation sucks, I really hope the illustrations help even a little. I will be adding the whole face front and profile view. If it doesn't make sense in any way (I'm sure it doesn't) just let me know.


Since my last post I've not really done anything, wish I could say I had. I've been really lazy with me comic illustrations for the last two weeks, though that is changing now. Ok right now I'm writing this and not drawing I get that.
I'm working on a story called 'Methazone' written by Andrew Harrison. I started this in September (I think), right now I can't tell you much, as I have only a few pages done. I will be doing pencils, inks and even some colour. I'm one of those guys that if I ask when it has to be done by then I'm told 'it's ok do it when you can' yeah you won't see it for a while. I stressed this to Andrew a little and we have an agreed deadline now, for me this is good as I have something to push me.

I have been toying with the idea if putting up a little light/shadow guide on the face, just to help people out there who have a hard time with lighting the face. So if anyone actually reads this let me know if thats something you'd like or if it's just a thumbs up idea.
