Sunday 17 July 2011


This sketch was done a couple of days ago, a warm up sketch all done using Manga Studio Debut 4, enjoy.

Not even a couch potato

For the last couple of years I've been working on a web comic titled 'Arc'. Sadly though the six issues that I'm illustrating are not finished, hell I've not even finished the 2nd issue yet. I could throw at you excuse after excuse, and to be fair this year had started with a major fuck up in my life, but I wont get into it here. But realistically It's out of pure laziness that I haven't finished, I keep putting it off "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I have to do this first". Not only do I do this with my art work, I seem to do this with everything, and it pisses me off. I need to focus, put my life back on track and get Arc finished, not just for me but for the people that might actually read it all 3 of them (ha ha ha, I so hope it's more).

So I'll leave this here and get on with it, hopefully I'll have better news on my progress.

Sunday 3 July 2011

From the Accent UK blog

July's PREVIEWS...

"Well, sad to say that Diamond again failed to list PREDATORS in the latest issue ofPREVIEWS. It's nothing personal, they've just gone through some changes in personel in the USA and it appears that the transition has resulted in UK books being overlooked, again. It's not just AccentUK books that have suffered apparently.
Diamond UK have been very apologetic, and have promised the do everything that they can to get the book listed in the next PREVIEWS, so look out for it in August's edition.
Because of the delay, we've decided to print ahead of Diamond numbers, so that we can make sure the book can be launched at this years Thought Bubble event in Leeds, andAndy is just making a few very minor adjustments (perfectionist that he is) before sending the files off to the printers this week (or early next)."

Written by Dave West from Accent UK

So a slight delay, but fingers crossed people