Monday 3 March 2014


For years I've been trying to improve myself as an artist. With every sketch/painting/comic page with the next being better than the last. You learn that there is never a "I've done it, I've reach end!!' kind of moment. Very much like when you finish school, you think that's you done with learning, only to find out it's actually the start of your learning experiences.
So going back to talent it's self. I do think some people have a natural talent for picking things up quicker than others, those that want to succeed at it try harder, even if its natural talent or acquired talent.
I am a member of a handful of sites dedicated to art in most of its forms, mostly to do with drawing/painting/design and so on. (you get the picture ;) ha) Any way, on one site, in particular such as deviantart, I'm not knocking the site for starters. My thing is it's such a shame to go on a site like deviantart where there are such amazing and talented people, to only get lost amongst the most absolute shit you have ever seen in your life. I was on there recently and it took at least 5 pages before I found anything remotely good. Again everyone has different skill levels, but you can see good work or loved work done by someone and enjoy it no matter the level.
I just think it's a shame to get a honey pot and have to lick layers of shit before you hit the honey it's self.

Heres a few things on there worth looking at at least.

copy and paste these, if you like it take some time and look through, unfortunately you'll have to look at total bollocks first (literally too)

ok thats my 'rant' over with

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Coma patient

Does anyone else feel like their in a living coma? I know it can't just be me that thinks this. Most days I feel as if I'm just living and not truly alive. Following the herd on a daily bases.
I've grown up, to an extent, like I've reached adult hood and just stopped. There are people out there who are leading big lives. To put it in perspective, they are the leading role in a movie and I feel like an extra. How sad is that? To not only just be alive, just existing is all I seem to do.
Leave school, go college/university, get a job, start a family, die. Ok that's us in it simplest form, it's sad. I can't help but feel angry and frustrated about this fact. What pisses me off just as much is that I watch other people just getting on with it, like it should always be this way. WHO FUCKING SAID IT SHOULD!!!!
We all are living coma patients, we aren't just told what to do or think or even say, we're fucking lead there, just like cattle to be slaughtered. You want to know the worst thing? We let it happen, the only choice we seem to want to make is that we want to be lead about.
I'm not trying to put words in anyone's mouth, and I couldn't care what people say about this. I'm under no illusion that anyone reads this. But for those who found this buy mistake, I hope to piss you off or have you agree or disagree, it shows me there are other people out there who have at least one free thought.
What are we really? In the grand design of this thing we call life?
What are we really going to leave behind? We don't even know what we are doing.

One thing people do tell you is "life is hard" eh ok, why is it hard? What am I struggling to archive by this labour? Then watch their eyes glaze over, as the relisation that they have no fucking clue.
If you believe you really make your own choices, think about this. Why do you think that someone coined the phrase "step in line" I don't want to be in any line and dragged through a life I'm not really living.

Just look around you, really look. Take it all in, every last bit of it. You will one day wake up and think "what the fuck" With all the money or fame even family around you. Knowing your life has meant shit, is what gets to me the most.

What do we really have at the end of it all, where was we meant to end up?

Tuesday 7 May 2013

I'm still here

Hello boys and girls.
It has been a while since I posted ANYTHING!!! I have no excuse, just been very lazy and putting things off.
So I thought I'd post a quick digital sketch up here today. This is my character Monkey. I'm currently writing his story (on/off) right now. This isn't his final look (close enough though). So enjoy comment and share (but don't steal)

have a good day or night where ever you are, until next time.

Thursday 20 September 2012


Here are just a couple of pages to the graphic I'm working on called Methazone. Pages 18 & 22 enjoy and let me know what you guys think.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Tonights Sketches

A couple of 5 minutes sketches done tonight before I do some real work.

Monday 13 August 2012

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Feeling it

For the last couple of months I've been viewing my work as hinderance rather than enjoying it, this didn't make sense to me as I have a deadline fast approaching (31 March) But yesterday something clicked and I was overloaded with an abundance of energy for my work.
So I got home after the day job and finished the layouts of the last 5 pages of the story. After I felt a great sense of accomplishment, yeah I know only lay outs but I felt jacked for it. I have about 10 pages to Ink, then the last 5 to pencil and ink.
On to pod that I started working on issue 2 of my own comic and a 6 page story both I will end up illustrating.

The 6 pager I want to post on here for all to enjoy, the other story I'm working on will hopefully be a pitch but fully formed, so all a publisher will have to do is print it. Any way thats way off so it's the here and now I need to work on. Tomorrow will consist of inking and writing.

Take care guys and gals