Sunday 29 August 2010

How to draw a leg prt1

First off I could never clam to really know everything, but what I do know I would like to share. So I'll start. We'll go from left to right.
You start off with your basic leg shape, either a tube or just a stick man line anything. The thing I like to do is think of the outer thigh as two mounds heading towards the ankle, with the inner going straight down. When ever I draw the leg head on I tend to do it that way. And I'll show position of the knee with a circle. (most people do this)
Second you will define the shape of the leg. if you see the arrowed line you can see how I follow the inner thigh like a sort of 'S' shape.
Thirdly you add mass, this is up to you from this point you go as bulky or as lean as you want, tho try and keep it all in proportion.
I've drawn how some of the tendons join from the knee the leg muscles in the front.

Ok so that was a leg in a nut shell, not that hard really. It does help having some anatomy reference. Ill do part 2 next week.
Let me know how you do, and what you think.

Friday 27 August 2010


This is the beginnings of a piece I'm currently working on.