Thursday 28 May 2009


This is a quick peak at a story I have just penciled, it's a 4 pager and will be put in AccentUK's anthology 'predators', ,  which should be out later this year or early next.
Writteren by the great Zak Anwar, , It should be pretty cool so when It's ready read Predators.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Commission Final

Ok Said I did say I'd post this at the end of the week, that was me thinking I would put it off for a couple of days. This time I didn't and It's done.
It has been a few weeks since I've done any 'paintings' so I was a little rusty, hope you like it.

Monday 25 May 2009

Commission sketch

 This is a start of a commission piece. They wanted a portrait of there son when he was only a few hours old.
With any luck this wont take me hours and hours. I'll be posting a final next week. (fingers crossed)

Thursday 21 May 2009

My first post

As per I have been putting off doing anything, one example this blog. Like many others I'm sure have this great idea, go to start it then a little voice appears and says 'na leave it till tomorrow' NO tiny voice, no more putting it off, I have a blog and this is just my 1st step, hopefully you'll see more as I progress and not procrastinate.